We have compiled 30 of the funniest Running memes to have you laughing till you cry! What makes a meme so funny? I think it is one that is relatable and will make you think “that is so me” or “I know that type of runner”! If you like one of our memes pin it to your wall or share it with a friend who “gets it”!

Funny Food Running Memes

  1. Pavement, the breakfast of Champions. Well we wouldn’t want to risk a cramp on our early morning run right?
Funny morning run meme

2. Why Do I like running you ask? Because I love to eat …don’t we all except I wouldn’t choose leaves.

Running because I love to eat meme

3. Tried new food before the run, never again back to my peanut butter diet. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it, right!

Funny Food meme

4. Everyone talks about carb-loading… But they forget about coffee loading. How many cups do you drink per day?

Running  Coffee is Fuel Funny Meme

5. How people think I eat. How I actually eat! And maybe some cake after?

Funning Eating Joke

Tired Running Jokes

6. My two favorite hobbies are running and resting. Nap anyone?

Running and Tired Funny Meme

7. Tough runs don’t last but tough runners do. So true but hard to always remember!

Motivational Running image

8. Runner’s logic, I’m tired, let’s go for a run.

The tired runner keeps running meme

9. Exhausted after 100m? That’s cute. Always funny to poke fun at other athletes!

Exhausted after a sprint running joke

10. You know your a runner when your happy to hear the phrase….its all down from here, amen!

Runners and hills funniest running joke

11. 2 miles left and everything feels like jello.

Almost finished running meme

Running Gear Memes

12. You know you’re a runner when the most expensive shoes you own are your runners. If you’re looking for some more click here for the best running shoes for women or the best running shoes for men.

Shoes running joke

13. Cardio is so much better when your activewear is on point.

Running Activewear running meme

14. Whoever said that running is a cheap exercise. Hasn’t seen the bills for all our gear and race fees.

Running isn't cheap humor

Hilarious Running Memes

15. If running was the only way to recharge our phones, we would be the healthiest people on the planet.

Health funny running meme

16. I don’t always roll a joint. But when I do its my ankle.

Injury Running Joke

17. I just want to run and ignore my adult problems.

Forget about your problems meme

18. You know you’re a runner when the most expensive shoe you own are your runners.

Motivational Running Memes

19. It doesn’t get easier. You get stronger.

Motivational running quote

20. Runcastinator: a person who has a long list of things to do, but goes for a 5 mile run instead of doing any of it.

Definition Running Meme

Training Memes: Watch out!

21. Party until 3am, or run at 6am? I think you know my decision!

Morning runner meme

22. Race description be like “gently rolling hills”

Race Training Funniest Running Memes

23. Think of them as “mounds of opportunity”

Hill Training Funny Running Joke

24.Don’t worry there will be other aid stations.

Needing water running meme

Running With Friends Funny Joke: Do you have a running buddy?

25.You’re running at race pace but somehow your dog looks like he’s on a relaxing walk

Funny Dog Running Meme

26. Whenever I see someone running faster than me. It’s safe to assume they are not going as far..

Long Distance Running Meme

27. This could be us, if I wasn’t so fast.

Couples running together meme

Running into 2021 like memes

28. Runners on vacation be like “I can run every day!” Sometimes it’s nice to just relax haha!


29. That feeling is impossible to describe.


30. How can you tell if someone has run a marathon? Don’t worry they’ll tell you.

Marathon Joke

Hope you enjoyed reading through the funniest running memes. Memes aren’t just jokes they allow us to connect with other people and share experiences in real-life good, bad, and of course funny. They allow us to laugh and sometimes they motivate us. Hopefully, you had a good laugh and can share jokes with some good running friends!

Published by Kelly

An experienced runner and an active mom, Kelly is the research expert behind runninggearlab.com When you don't find Kelly training for her next 10k or 5k race you'll find her reading reviews and testing the latest running watch.